4th Week of Advent 2014
Are time of Advent 2014 is drawing to a close. Christmas morning is almost here, and we will celebrate the birth of Christ. This week I will share with you scripture reflections to light the 4th candle on the Advent wreath. To read the previous weeks worth of Advent posts, go HERE, HERE, and HERE.
Light the Purple Love Candle
You will light the fourth candle of Advent, the Love candle. We reflect on the experience the love God showed us by sending His one and only son Jesus.
God put His beloved son in a vulnerable and helpless position by placing His seed in Mary, a mere human. God knew when He sent Jesus to earth He would endure ridicule, temptations, and brutal death; but He sent Him anyways.
1 John 4:9-12
God sent his one and only Son to the world so that He could cover our sins with His blood. God did this because of His love for us. Jesus willingly came to earth because of His love. We did not deserve this favor or love from God. He did this for us in spite of who we are.
We are challenged that if God loved us in such an amazing way, while we were still sinners, then how much more should we love one another?
Jesus’ Love For us is Great
Jesus’ love for us is just as great as the Father’s love. He came to earth willingly, completely aware of the suffering that awaited Him. He allowed Himself to be taken away from the Father for a short period of time, knowing that the results would be everlasting.
Ezekiel 34:23
We are told that because of the immense love of God, He would appoint one Shepherd over His people; a shepherd that would care for them as much as He does. How appropriate it was that God sent the Angels to reveal the birth of the Good Shepherd to shepherds who were tending sheep in the fields.
Immediately, the shepherds went to Bethlehem to find the child whom was lying in the feeding trough. From there they began to share with everyone they met along the way what they had seen. God used the shepherds to be the first people to spread the good news of Jesus’ birth.
While the candle burns, be reminded of the immense love of that the Father and the Son have for us.