5 Ways to Spice up Your Date Night


I know I’ve already lost some of you, because you don’t consider date night to be something worth putting time into. I get it. Why would you bother dating each other when you are already married? Don’t you spend enough time together as it is? Maybe so, but here’s how I want you to see date night.

I’ve talked before about spicing things up in the bedroom- like over and over again. Now that is exciting stuff. Everyone wants to know how to have more fulfilling sex. What about your relationship?

Over time, life can take a toll on your marriage. It is important to spend quality time together.

Here are a few things you can do to spice up your next date night.

1. Put Your Phone Down

Giving your spouse full attention is vital to connecting with one another. If you are allowing yourself to be distracted by what’s going on with others, it will keep you from connecting. We all need to stop looking at our screens for a little bit and look at the person we are with.

2. Do Something Out of The Ordinary

Just like trying new things in your sex life can bring excitement, the same goes for your dating life. When you make plans together, do something out of the ordinary. If you always go out to dinner, then come up with a different idea. Aim for an activity that you don’t normally do together.

Here are a few things you can try-

  • Cook dinner together
  • Walk or hike
  • Geocaching
  • Dance/listen to music

Whatever it is that you chose to do, make it something you don’t usually do together.

3. Use Conversation Starters

Austin and I are huge advocates of using conversation starters on date nights. This keeps us from talking about responsibilities and have a break from what’s going on. We need to take a mental break from life and run away together, even it if is just to the bistro table.

Conversation starters gives us plenty of things to talk about that helps us connect and get to know one another better. (Yes, there is still plenty to learn about each other, even after 13 years.)

4. Flirt With Each Other

Make a concerted effort to flirt with your spouse while you are out on a date. Flirting with them will help you to enjoy your night together even more. It is a great way to have fun and to make a bigger deal of your time together.

5. Have Sex


I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention spending time together physically. What better way to end the night where you have been connecting emotionally, than to connect sexually? Leave enough time to be together when your date is over.

Want something really sex to do together? Then check out my bedroom games. With these printables, you will be able to have a fun night with your spouse.

Other things on my mind this week

3 Things That Are Harder in Marriage Than You Think

3 Ways to Build a Stronger Marriage 

Spice up your sex life!

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Keelie Reason

I'm the voice of Love, Hope, Adventure, where I talk about the marriage relationship, intimacy in marriage, and how couples can go deeper with each other. I've been helping couples for well over a decade to lean into their sexuality and explore intimacy with their spouse. My goal is to answer questions that couples have about sex that they are too afraid to ask or Google. I provide God-honoring answers and resources to help them to go on a sexual journey together.

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