How To Have A Date Night At Home

When you have been married for years, sometimes the things you used to do when you were dating fall by the wayside. The daily grind just gets in the way of being romantic and flirting with the one you love. Whether you have kids or not, an at-home date night, whether in your living room or bedroom, is a perfect way to reconnect emotionally and physically.

But if you’re like a lot of people, by the end of the night, you just want to sit on the couch in exhaustion and watch something on TV. Even if you’re tired, you can still have a fun or romantic home date. Simply not having to get dressed up and leave the house is a bonus!

at-home date night

I think the key to having a successful home date is to put some effort into it so that it seems special. One of the biggest challenges to at-home date nights is making the event different than normal. I have a very hard time unplugging from all the work I have to do since I work from home in every aspect.

I’m always a mom, which brings a wealth of responsibilities. Then you add in that I make a paycheck while I sit on my couch and write. For me to feel like we are having a date night in our home, I have to make a conscious effort to do something special and out of the ordinary.

How to Have a Successful Home Date Night

Here are a few home date night ideas and tips to be successful:

  1. Come up with an activity – decide ahead of time if you are going to play a game, watch a movie, sit and talk, eat ice cream in the living room, etc.
  2. Remove as many distractions as you can – this may mean having your date night in your bedroom or some other part of the house where your responsibilities are not staring you in the face.
  3. Make it simple – you don’t have to put in tons of effort to make a home date night successful. The Dating Divas have a ton of fun at-home date night ideas here that are fairly done for you. Pick one that you think is doable, and go for it.
  4. End the night with sex – at-home date nights make it easy to end the night with sex. You can make your whole date night a sex date (check out my bedroom game pack here) or just stick with the things you love.

These tips will help you create a romantic and fun at-home date night with your spouse.

Home Date Night Ideas

at-home date night

Here are a few ideas of things you can do for your next date night in.

Create a Snuggle Basket

This is where you can be creative for your own personal dating relationship. Whatever kinds of things you enjoy having to snuggle can be placed in a basket. If you don’t have a basket, then you can use something else to hold the items.

As for me, I really like having a blanket and pillows. Throwing in a hot drink for the winter or something cold for the summer is another essential. Lighting candles and bringing down the lights in the room allows me to relax.

When you build your home date night basket, add in the things that make snuggling fun for you. A movie and ice cream that you both would enjoy might be a nice idea. If you would rather talk while cuddling, I suggest bringing out some old photos of you and your loved one.

The thing that can ruin an at-home date night the fastest is talking about work, kids, or responsibilities. If you want to be successful in dating in a relationship with your spouse, you have to figure out other things to talk about that will put you in the mood. It gets your brain fired up to talk about responsibilities, and you have a hard time unwinding from them.

DIY Photoshoot

at-home date night

A DIY photoshoot night is another great home date night idea. You and your spouse can pick an outfit for each other to wear and then take pictures of one another. Consider different poses, places around the house, and props. Or you can make this date night take a sexy turn and play a round of sexy picture dares. If you are going to take pictures of yourselves that are meant for your eyes only, I highly recommend you use the Just Between Us app.

Watch a Movie In Your Car

Need some privacy? Set up a movie in your car. You can park in the garage if it is cold out and snuggle up under blankets. And that helps with privacy. Or if you have a fairly secluded driveway to sit in, you can park outside and enjoy the outdoors.

This home date night idea can actually be done during the day or night. Whatever works for you. If all you have is an hour while your kid’s nap, you can sneak outside and do this date idea.

Why is Dating In Marriage is Important

Dating in a relationship, whether it is with your spouse or a significant other, shouldn’t go away once you get married and build a home together. My mom always told me that one day all of her kids would be out of the house, and it would be just her and dad. For that reason, she and my dad have continued to date each other. And now that they have been married for more than 50 years, I would say she knows what she’s talking about.

She told me the saddest thing that could happen is that after building a life with someone for many years, it would be to get to the golden years of life and realize you didn’t do what it took to still like each other. She is certainly correct in that.

Hopefully, you are able to find some inspiration for a date night at home. Even if you don’t like cuddling, then you can build a different idea that will meet your needs. Relationships and dating can both be a challenge.

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Keelie Reason

Keelie is a mother of three amazing boys and married to her high school sweetheart, Austin. She spends her days running R5 Website Management, taking care of the home, and investing in her children. In her spare time, she loves to encourage married couples to grow deeper in their relationship and find joy in their marriage.

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