About Us

Welcome to Love Hope Adventure! My name is Keelie Reason and I married my high school sweetheart, Austin Reason, when I was 21. Suffice it to say, we’ve been together for a LONG time! We developed the passion to help other couples in their relationship during a time when a lot of people we knew were going through difficulties in their marriage.

We felt so moved by the struggles of family, friends, and church members, that we decided to share lessons we’ve learned from being together since we were 16. Austin and I have been best friends for a long time and always worked hard at being intentional with each other in our relationship.

Our goal is to help you get the resources you need to have a better marriage relationship. Also, we talk really openly and candidly about sex. Not that we share specifics to what we do in the bedroom…instead we offer real resources for husbands and wives that want more information about sex, foreplay, and how to be more adventurous in the bedroom.

Austin and I have three amazing boys – Corbin, Tripp, and Braden. We homeschooled our boys for several years and really enjoyed the ability to lay a solid foundation for their education. They eventually went to public school so I could spend more time running R5 Website Management, our website business and writing, podcasting, and YouTubing about marriage advice for couples.

For a number of years, Austin encouraged me to nurture my dream of being a writer and encouraging other people by starting a blog. One of the things that held me back from starting a blog was that I had no idea what to write about. After a lot of thought and prayer, it was clear that God was bringing tips for married people to the forefront of my mind. In 2014, I finally had the faith in myself to start Love Hope Adventure.

We have a passion to help married couples

I grew up with parents that have a strong marriage….in fact, they’ve been married over 50 years! It was through their influence in our lives that Austin and I were able to build the marriage that we have. We were invested in strongly by them, and many other wonderful couples. Now, we want to do the same for others.

Both of us have a huge desire to help struggling married couples. God has put us in many positions over the years where we have had a chance to counsel couples through difficult times in their lives.

Sex Advice From A Biblical Perspective For Married Couples

Not only did my mom and dad give us really valuable marriage advice, they always spoke openly to me about sex. It’s one of the reasons that I’ve been able to be so open on the blog about sex. It was never naughty or dirty to talk about marital intimacy and I could ask my parents questions about sex and get an honest answer.

My hope with Love Hope Adventure is that you can ask me all those questions you wish you could’ve asked your mom and dad…and why your mom and dad? Because you know they would have never said anything x-rated when describing sex that would conjure up visions of them being intimate. (Gross). And that’s what I do on the podcast, the blog, YouTube and all my social media platforms. I give you the information you want about sex without the ick factor.

Marriage Advice From a Christian Perspective

I am a child of God and I’m committed to sharing marriage advice through a Biblical lens. I hope that as you begin to understand what the scriptures have to say about sex and marriage, your relationship will become stronger. So, what you won’t find here is advice that buys into a secular perspective. Instead, I will share information with you that I believe will help you honor God and grow closer to Him.

Where The Name Love, Hope, Adventure Came From

Where did Love Hope Adventure come from? Well, it started out as a decorating idea. We were building a rustic look in one of our many different homes and decided to go with the idea of a few simple words painted on some reclaimed wood. We wanted three words that would be like a motto for our marriage and family.

Here is what we ended up with:

Love is the foundation of our home. The mutual love between Austin and me is what started our relationship and family. Without it, nothing else makes sense.

Hope is that dogged sense that Austin and I share that we will get through, things will get better, and there is a happy ending coming. When one of us is struggling, the others remind them to hope.

Adventure is that wild-eyed look into the unknown that asks, “What’s over there!” In our marriage, and in our kids’ lives, we seek to cultivate a sense of wonder in the world. We want to be bold and courageous, never backing down from something new; whether it be a new recipe, or a new career. Adventure is out there!

What Kind of Topics I Talk About On The Love Hope Adventure Blog

As I said, ever since I was a child, my parents talked with me about sex, marriage, and relationships in general. Because of that, I don’t feel weird talking about sex openly and candidly with people. A large part of what you will read here on Love Hope Adventure is sex advice. Also, I talk a lot about the marriage relationship and how you can have a better relationship with your spouse. Ultimately, I want you to develop a close, intimate marriage that brings you joy. 

My goal is to provide Christian sex education without them going into the dark parts of the web to search out answers. Every week in my newsletter, I answer questions that come in through the anonymous questions form. I find that people feel much more comfortable asking really personal sex-related questions through that form. Some feel ok with emailing me at [email protected] with their questions. This allows them to get their answer much faster.

What We Talk About On The Love Hope Adventure Podcast

The podcast is the one place where you’ll hear from both Austin and me. While he did write some blogs back in the day when I first started the site, he focuses only on the Love Hope Adventure Podcast now. We talk about common problems married couples have in their relationship. It goes beyond just sexual intimacy. In fact, we talk about things you may not have ever heard other people discuss like how couples handle the holidays or the struggles of sharing a bed

Also, on the podcast, I love to bring on other bloggers that share really amazing information with their audience. We talk about intimacy, communication, and common questions they get from their readers. 

I used to share recipes, homeschool tips, and other homemaking-related subjects, but now you can find all of that type of content over on my other website Keelie Reason. The reason I took that content off this site is that I really feel like this website serves people that want to go deeper in their marriage. All of the other things I used to write about are certainly things I’m passionate about, but not to the same degree as helping people in their marriage. 

What You’ll Find in Our Shop

Before we ever started Love Hope Adventure, we created our first sexy bedroom game printable. Actually, it was a gift for some friends (yes, I am the girl that gives sex baskets for anniversaries). Now, we create new sexy bedroom games every few months to help you spice up your sex life.

What I like about bedroom games is that it takes the guesswork out of what you need to do next. We try and create the games so that there are foreplay moves that build up and get you excited and ready to orgasm. Our shop is full of PDF’s that will come to you immediately after you checkout.

So…that’s us in a nutshell and what we do around here. Thanks so much for stopping by to get to know us a bit better and the mission behind Love Hope Adventure!

Please join us on this journey of love, hope, and adventure as we tackle the hurdles in our own lives and hopefully shed some light and perspective on yours.

How to Keep in Touch with Us

Please sign up for the newsletter below and I’ll send you a copy of our Sexy Truth or Dare Game. Every week I share recent blogs, podcasts, and other things on my mind.

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