Best Marriage Advice I’ve Ever Received- Never Stop Dating

There’s a piece of advice my parents gave me before I got married- never stop dating your spouse. I watched my mom and dad go out on regular dates all of my life. Seeing as how they’ve been married for well over 40 years, I think there’s something to their advice.

There’s a piece of advice my parents gave me before I got married- never stop dating your spouse. I watched my mom and dad go out on regular dates all of my life. Seeing as how they’ve been married for well over 40 years, I think there’s something to their advice.

Why Is Dating Your Spouse Important?

There is just something that is exciting about going out on a date. I always get dressed up and make a special effort in the way I look when I go out. It is important to me that my husband knows how much I love him. The way I dress shows him that I care about him.

When you take time out of your week to go somewhere with your lover, it will make them feel special. Dating takes you out of the ordinary routine of life and helps you to focus on each other.

Is There a Number of Times a Month You Should Go Out?

The answer to this question will vary depending on the couple and what they can do. When our kids were little, we didn’t get out of the house very often. Now that they are older, we can usually have a date once a week, even if it is short.

You and your spouse need to determine how much money you have to spend on dates including the cost of babysitters. Schedules is another big issue. You have to make time on your calendar to spend with each other.

In my opinion, it is a good idea to shoot for once a month or once every other month at the most. If you are at a stage in life where you can do a weekly date night, that would be a good goal.

Is Dating Different When You Are Married V. When Unmarried?

When Austin and I were single, going on dates was our way of spending focused time on one another. The same is true of dating each other now. While the activities we do are different than when we were single and had money- the reason for the date is the same.

When Austin and I were single, going on dates was our way of spending focused time on one another. The same is true of dating each other now. While the activities we do are different than when we were single and had money- the reason for the date is the same.

Some of our favorite things to do together include:

  • Drink coffee at home or Starbucks
  • Eat dinner out
  • Eat dinner at our bistro table
  • Watch a movie in the theatre
  • Watch a movie at home
  • Walk around the mall, a park, on a trail, or downtown
  • Visit a museum or art gallery

These are some of the things we like doing together. You and your spouse should come up with a list of go-to’s for your date nights.

Sex Should Be a Part of Your Date Night

I’m of the opinion that all date nights should end with sex...really good sex. If you there’s a time or two you can’t have sex after the date...fine, but in general, you should try to make it a priority. After you have spent a few hours connecting with each other on an emotional and mental level, it is the perfect time to connect on a physical level.

I’m of the opinion that all date nights should end with sex…really good sex. If you there’s a time or two you can’t have sex after the date…fine, but in general, you should try to make it a priority. After you have spent a few hours connecting with each other on an emotional and mental level, it is the perfect time to connect on a physical level.

Dating should never stop. You and your spouse need that time to connect with each other and forget about your responsibilities.

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Keelie Reason

Keelie is a mother of three amazing boys and married to her high school sweetheart, Austin. She spends her days running R5 Website Management, taking care of the home, and investing in her children. In her spare time, she loves to encourage married couples to grow deeper in their relationship and find joy in their marriage.

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