Date Ideas Articles

Are you friends with your spouse? Some people think it is better not to be. I, on the other hand,…

A while ago, I wrote a series on how to feel beautiful. That was a set of articles that was…

I've been friends with Denis from Melt Massage for years. He has such a soothing voice, making listening to him…

I just love love love Valentine's Day. It is one of my favorite times of the year. If you want…

Austin and I have made a commitment to turn our conversation to something other than work, kids, and responsibilities when…

When you have been married for years, sometimes the things you used to do when you were dating fall by…

Asking your husband or wife would you rather questions is a fun way to find out things they like. Austin…

Sexy truth or dare is a fun bedroom game for couples to enjoy. In the game, you both take turns…

When you first enter a relationship, dating is a top priority. It is the main way you are able to…

A great way to start a romantic night with your spouse is to ask each other a few steamy questions.…

I know a lot of people feel tremendous stress and pressure over Valentine's Day. If you are a spouse that…

We believe that dating is key to a happy marriage. It’s really important that you get away from daily life…