I didn’t grow up doing Advent, but I got really into it a few years ago. Austin and I had the opportunity to write Advent thoughts for the services at my church. Here are the devotions we wrote.
First Week of Advent- Hope
The first week features the Hope candle, which is one of the purple candles. This week talks about the prophecy of Christ’s birth.
Isaiah 9:1-7 and Luke 1:30-33 shares about the prophecies of Jesus’ birth.
Second Week – Peace
This week features the peace candle, which is the second purple candle. Jesus sacrificed so that we can have peace.
Two passages you can read for that week are Colossians 1:19-22 and Ephesians 2:11-17.
Third Week – Joy
The third week features the joy candle. During this time, the pink candle is lit, along with the two other purple candles.
Angels proclaimed joy to the world and you can read about that in Luke 1:35-49.
Fourth Week- Love
By now, you are ready to welcome Jesus, the Savior of the world. Each week, you can turn your thoughts to the different aspects of the coming of Christ.
The scripture for this week is 1 John 4:9-12.
Additional Advent Resources
I had the privilege of receiving a copy of Asheritah Ciuciu’s book, Unwrapping the Name of Jesus: An Advent Devotional. She asked me to check out her devo and give an honest review of it.
This book had so many wonderful features. I really liked that each week has a daily devo and activity suggestions that you can do as a family.
Another fun thing about the book is that each day has the emphasis for each week. For example, the week you focus on peace, each devo for that week has the word peace on it. That helps you to be reminded of what the focus is.
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