What Happened When We Challenged Ourselves to Have Sex Everyday For a Week

Ever wanted to try out having sex every single day of the week? Some couples actually do have sex every day, and that’s great for them! But, most couples only have sex a few days a week. 

have sex everyday

Several years ago, we decided to take a sex challenge to have sex every day. We were so surprised by the outcome of the challenge. As sex bloggers, we thought we’d crush this challenge and recommend it to every couple but….

…here is what happened to us when we tried it. 

Day 1: Awesome

Day 1 of the challenge, the sex was as good as it is in general. We didn’t do anything out of the ordinary, but we had been a few days without intercourse. Whenever you go a few days and then get back together, it is usually pretty good. 

After the first day, I envisioned the passionate love-making to continue without a hitch. 

Day 2: Not as Awesome, But Still Good

Day 2 wasn’t quite as fantastic as the first day of the challenge, but it was still pretty good. There are plenty of times when we have sex two days in a row. So, this was not new for us in particular. 

After another successful day of physical intimacy, I had high hopes for the rest of the challenge. 

Day 3: Utter Disaster 

Day 3 absolutely sucked…I mean, sucked! Both my husband and I were completely shocked by this. We love to be together and really enjoy our sex life. However, three days in, and we were not having a good time. 

Having sex on the third day really felt like a chore. Both of us wanted it to be over, and the orgasms were not as incredible. They happened, but it took a good deal of effort. Actually, it kind of felt like it did when we were trying to get pregnant with our third son. Have you ever tried to get pregnant? You end up forcing yourself to be intimate on fertile days, and honestly, sex can feel like a chore. 

Day 4: Regroup

By the time Day 4 rolled around, we decided to regroup. If sex was going to become a chore, by the end of the challenge, I was pretty sure we were going to hate being intimate. That is the last thing I wanted to do in my marriage, grow sick of sex. 

Maybe it was our age, or perhaps it was because we were both feeling a bit sick. But sex every day was just not enjoyable to us. We decided that we would go back to the usual every 2-3 days. 

What We Learned

While this experience was quite disappointing, it taught us some valuable lessons. First, romance cannot be forced. If you have to force it, then it will just wear you out. 

Second, we are not as young as we used to be. Romping around like that several days in a row is much more complex than it used to be. We could go at it twice a day in our younger years, and it wasn’t an issue. Sure, that can still happen now, but we have to be really passionate about one for that to happen. 

So, if you have grand thoughts of having sex every day, it may not be as amazing as you think. It’s going to depend on a lot of things. If you are in a sexually deprived marriage, having sex every day may be fantastic. Your spouse may not share the sentiments, however. 

If you’re going to try a challenge like this, I encourage you to go into it with an open mind. Stop if it becomes a hassle or a chore. I always encourage people to limit their bad sexual experiences as much as possible.

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Keelie Reason

Keelie is a mother of three amazing boys and married to her high school sweetheart, Austin. She spends her days running R5 Website Management, taking care of the home, and investing in her children. In her spare time, she loves to encourage married couples to grow deeper in their relationship and find joy in their marriage.

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