How to Stop Feeling Jealous of Other Women

We all feel jealous of others at some point or another. When we feel the sensation come on, it causes us to be defensive. Not only that, we are less satisfied with our lives. 

how to stop feeling jealous

Instead of allowing this to take over your attitude, address the jealousy and get rid of it when it starts. Here are some things you can do to stop being jealous of other women. 

Lay Off Facebook

For goodness sake, it is about time we get off Facebook and get back to our real lives. If you are like me, then you have a few hundred friends on your account. On any given day of the week, it seems a handful of your friends are having the best day of their lives. 

When your newsfeed is blowing up with all these fantastic things your friends are doing, it can make you feel like what you have is not enough. Instead of being happy for your friends, you hate them for their good fortune. 

Do yourself a favor, limit how much time you spend on Facebook. You should especially avoid these social media outlets on holidays. On holidays, everyone is posting about their great day. It can make your day seem less joyful. 

Write Down What You Are Thankful For

When you see others have things that you don’t, combat that frustration by writing down things you are thankful for. What do you have in your life that you can be happy about? Have you thanked your spouse recently?

It is also important to stop complaining about what we have. When you complain about your life, you are telling those around you that what you have is not good enough. While you may not mean to portray this, you are definitely communicating this to those around you.

Recognize That Others Are Jealous of You

Just like other women have things you want, you can rest assured that there are women out there that want what you have. There are plenty of people out there that are in bad situations and would give anything for your life. 

When you understand that you have a coveted life, it can help you be more grateful for what you have. 

Stop Focusing on Yourself

Most often, we get jealous of those around us when we are self-focused. Take the focus off of yourself and place it on others around you. Come up with something nice to do for someone else. 

When you focus your attention on others’ needs, it will help you to feel more satisfied with your own life. If you really open your eyes to the world around you, you will see there is a lot of heartache in it. It will give you some perspective when you are feeling jealous of someone else. 

Jealousy breeds bitterness in your life and robs you of joy. You are the one that is devastated by the effects of this feeling, not the person you are envious of. Instead of putting your time and attention into desiring what others have, passionately throw yourself into what you own. You have a wonderful life! Concentrate on the people and relationships around you, and learn to fall back in love with who you are and the beautiful life you have.

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Keelie Reason

Keelie is a mother of three amazing boys and married to her high school sweetheart, Austin. She spends her days running R5 Website Management, taking care of the home, and investing in her children. In her spare time, she loves to encourage married couples to grow deeper in their relationship and find joy in their marriage.

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