When you think of tips to keep your relationship exciting, you might think of things that happen in the bedroom. But, there’s a lot of things you can do to develop your friendship. I invited Michelle Reyes on to give us a few ideas to enjoy your spouse more.
Here’s what she has to say-
A few years into your marriage, you can get into routines that get in the way of your relationship. It is so important to invest in your marriage from day one and not let it go, even during the child raising years.
Here’s a few ways you can keep your relationship exciting-
Small Gifts Can Go a Long Way
There is no need for married couples to stop giving one another gifts for no reason. It’s such a sweet gesture to come in with something little for your spouse. I know that I always feel a huge amount of appreciation if my husband brings me my favorite type of doughnut.
If you don’t know what to buy, just remember that reviews sites are great for present and gift ideas. You might find some unique ideas that you haven’t thought of before.
Have Real Conversations About Your Day
Some married couples eat dinner together in the evenings while watching tv or looking at their phones instead of connecting through conversation. If you’re in that situation at the moment, you need to make changes right now. Unless, of course, you’ve already got another time you are making time for real conversation.
Make an effort to ask your spouse about their day at work or just anything that is on their minds. Commit to having honest and open conversations about whatever it is that you are thinking about. Encourage them to talk about their hobbies, plans, and ideas.
Struggling to come up with some conversation ideas? I suggest you try creative conversation starters. This will take the pressure off of coming up with what to talk about.
Go on a Couple’s Getaway
This tip is slightly controversial, but here goes. At some point, most married couples should take a break away from the family home and their kids. I like to call it “sex-cations”. You can use that time to get to know your spouse again and remember all the reasons you fell in love.
I know that childcare is very hard to make this type of thing happen. Staying away from your kids at night is very difficult. Even if you only take a weekend city break, or a full day away, your relationship will benefit. Do what you can.
These are just a few of the things you can do to bring back the excitement in your marriage. Always make time to focus on each other so that your relationship doesn’t fall apart. It’s a lot more difficult to go through a divorce than it is to find time to spend with one another.