The Key to Cooking a Romantic Meal

With Valentine’s Day coming up, preparing a romantic meal can be a lot of fun. If you do not normally do the cooking, here are a few tips from Mandi Ellen.

Here’s what she has to say-

Cooking a meal for your spouse is the perfect budget friendly date. Having a romantic meal at home offers a level of intimacy that restaurant eating will never give you! Even so, there’s pressure to get things right. You want to wow your man with your cooking finesse, right? A culinary disaster could have more implications than you realize.

Every man likes a woman who can cook! A meal that goes wrong could be a story to tell the kids, but it won’t seem like a laughing matter at the time! That’s why it’s important you follow these steps to make sure your meal goes according to plan!


You may want to stick to what you know, but you aren’t going to blow anyone away with a good spag bol. The more creative you get, the more impressed your man will be. Branch out with something like lobster, or tripe meat.

The bonus is that you may be cooking something he’s never eaten before. He’s bound to think it’s good if he’s never had it, right? Well..not quite. But, he’ll still enjoy the experience! Do your research beforehand, so you know as much about your new ingredients as possible.


Whatever you choose to cook, it’s important to practice. That way, you’ll have a clear idea of whether the meal will work. If you encounter problems during your practice, you can rectify them for the event. Practice is especially important if you’re using new ingredients.

Whatever you choose to cook, it’s important to practice. That way, you’ll have a clear idea of whether the meal will work. If you encounter problems during your practice, you can rectify them for the event. Practice is especially important if you’re using new ingredients.

Save the food going to waste by inviting a friend round to taste the goods. Getting a second opinion can only help your cause. Besides, you can turn the test run into a fun girls night!


When the time comes, it’s important you do as much meal prep as possible. Your man isn’t going to want to be left alone while you cook! Your practice run should have given you some idea of any work you can do beforehand.

In an ideal world, you want to have everything ready to go in the oven by the time your date arrives. That way, you’ll only be going into the kitchen for a few minutes at a time. Whatever you do, don’t leave him alone for long periods. There’s no denying that the food is important, but your company is even more so!


It’s not just the meal that’s going to make a good impression. The way you lay the table could make a huge difference to the evening as well. Think about how to make the setting as romantic as possible. Light candles. Buy some rose petals if you want to.

It’s not just the meal that’s going to make a good impression. The way you lay the table could make a huge difference to the evening as well. Think about how to make the setting as romantic as possible. Light candles. Buy some rose petals if you want to.

A little romantic music in the background could work wonders, too. Make the dining experience as romantic as it can be. Get the most out of the privacy of eating at home! If you get it right, he’s sure to spend the night gazing lovingly into your eyes!

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Keelie Reason

I'm the voice of Love, Hope, Adventure, where I talk about the marriage relationship, intimacy in marriage, and how couples can go deeper with each other. I've been helping couples for well over a decade to lean into their sexuality and explore intimacy with their spouse. My goal is to answer questions that couples have about sex that they are too afraid to ask or Google. I provide God-honoring answers and resources to help them to go on a sexual journey together.

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