Bonny from the Oyster Bed 7 asked me to come on and share with her readers something that has been on my heart. Today, you can visit over there and see what I have to say about shame. When you feel shame, it can really wreck your libido.
Is Shame Causing Your Low Libido?
Bonny has a ministry to wives that are struggling with a low sex drive. I hope that you will check out the other articles that are on her site if you are in that same boat. She is a courageous woman that has worked to combat her low libido over the years.
I’m with little sexual desire and do not know what is happening. I am married 15 years and sexual routine seems that entered the routine. I hope this site you indicated is interesting Keelie !
Keelie Reason
I wrote that post on Bonny’s website and she helps women with lower libido. I hope you find something useful!