Why You Should Have a Romantic Candlelit Dinner

ways to be a better lover have a romantic candlelit dinner

I’ve been talking about ways you can be a better lover this year and going into detail on some things you can do to keep the spark in your marriage.

I used to think candlelit dinners was just for people in the movies. I’ve had very few romantic candlelit dinners in my life, until recently. It seems like a common thing on television, but in real life, it can be a bit harder to pull off.

Table for Two

Romantic candlit dinner

Several months ago, Austin and I found a bistro table that was in our price range. We’ve been looking for one of these for the last 8 years. It was so awesome to have one come across our path and have the money to buy it.

Having a table for two was definitely the first thing that was necessary for us to have successful and regular candlelit dinners. Sitting at the same table we eat at every night with our family doesn’t seem to have the same feel as a cozy table for two.

Don’t have a bistro table? Then come up with a place in your home where you and your spouse can sit face to face and eat a meal. Maybe you spread out picnic style on the floor, but I encourage you to get away from the normal place you eat.

Getting the Lighting Together For The Romantic Dinner

There is a lot that goes into setting the mood for a romantic dinner. Obviously, you are going to need some candles for starters…especially if you are planning to have a candlelit dinner.

I like to plug in Christmas lights to cast a glow in the house that is soft, yet bright enough for us to see one another. This year, I found all red lights on Christmas clearance that Austin hung by our table to decorate for Valentine’s Day.

Plugging in strands of lights makes it bright enough without having to light so many candles that you end up setting off the fire alarms when you blow them out. Nothing will kill the mood faster than waking up every kid in the house and freaking out your dogs with the fire alarm.

Put on The Right Music

I love to play instrumental jazz music to set the mood for a romantic night. Personally, I do not like music that has words, because it distracts me while I talk. That is why I put on a video from youtube and let it play.

This is one of my favorite videos, but there are plenty out there that you can play.

YouTube video

Have Awesome Food

dinner for two

You don’t have to pull off a 3 course meal, but make sure that whatever you chose to eat, it’s something that you are both going to enjoy. Don’t feel bad if one of you has to run out and get pickup. The whole idea with the dinner is that you are both going to get a chance to eat something awesome together and connect.

Steer the Conversation In The Right Direction

When it comes to having a romantic night, you do need to make sure your conversation lends itself to being romantic. If you start talking about work, kids, and problems, it is going to kill the mood.

Austin and I love to bring in conversation starters to help us out. I have some free printable conversation starters that you can check out, conversations starters for dates and 10 conversation starters

If you want a book or cards, these affiliate links will take you to the two resources Austin and I use all of the time.

Love Talk Starters: 275 Questions to Get Your Conversations Going

TABLETOPICS Original – 10th Anniversary Edition: Questions to Start Great Conversations

Getting the right conversations going is exactly what you need to have a good night. You can have all of the candles lit and soft music you want, but if your conversation is bringing you down, then it isn’t going to be romantic.

Finish up With Physical Intimacy

It is so important that you finish a night like this with physical intimacy. I think that sex should be a part of a romantic night, because it fills both of your hearts up.

Since you are already in a romantic mood, consider playing a sexy bedroom game together. Check out my bedroom game page for all of the free printables that I have put together. These games are designed to take the guesswork out of foreplay and give you step by step what to do next.

I hope you will take the time to put together a romantic candlelit dinner soon. I’ve really enjoyed doing this with Austin. It was missing from our marriage for many years, but now that we have it, I’m really regretting we haven’t made it more of a priority.

Do you have romantic dinners? I’d love to hear about it in the comments!

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Keelie Reason

Keelie is a mother of three amazing boys and married to her high school sweetheart, Austin. She spends her days running R5 Website Management, taking care of the home, and investing in her children. In her spare time, she loves to encourage married couples to grow deeper in their relationship and find joy in their marriage.

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