Why Self-Love Makes You a Better Lover

Society considers self-love very important in keeping yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy. Posts on social media, magazines, and online articles are filled with ways to achieve better love of yourself. Self-love also plays an important role in having healthy and loving relationships.

Society considers self-love very important in keeping yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy. Posts on social media, magazines, and online articles are filled with ways to achieve better love of yourself. Self-love also plays an important role in having healthy and loving relationships.

What Is Self-Love?

While self-love can mean many things to different people, a simple definition of self-love includes self appreciation. Loving yourself means understanding that you are worth taking care of; that you are valuable. A person who understand this idea will work to keep negativity away and surround themselves with positivity. Spending some time with just yourself, doing the things you enjoy, can help foster a love for who you are.

What Self-Love Is NOT

Loving yourself doesn’t mean you want to become a person who thinks only of yourself. When people hear these words, they think of people who are arrogant and self-centered and think everything is about them.

When I talk about self-love, I am talking about doing small things to help you remember that you are worth taking care of. This does not mean you withdraw from the world around you.

How Does Loving Yourself Make You A Better Lover?

Negativity can have power in your relationship if you allow it to. However, when you practice viewing yourself in a positive light, the positive views will transfer to your relationships. Insecurity and negativity have no place in a healthy relationship. It can hinder both you and your spouse in numerous ways.

Take Time to Feel Sexy

When you take some time to love on yourself, that will help you be a better lover. Learning to love yourself will help you view yourself as being sexy. After all, your spouse sees you that way.


Connecting physically with your spouse will be hard if you are focused on the areas you don’t like about yourself. Intimacy will not be satisfying for you if you struggle to view yourself as sexy.

How Can I Fall In Love With Myself?

Perhaps you’re thinking, “I know I need to love myself, but I don’t know how.” You’re not alone in your thoughts! Here are some things you can do to view yourself positively.

Stop Believing the Lies

It’s so easy to compare ourselves to others and believe the lies we either tell ourselves or hear from others. Choose not to believe them. While this won’t happen overnight, it’s important to start practicing now.

Identify Your Strengths

Find a few things you like about yourself and write them down. Focus primarily on your strengths and why they are strengths. Keep the paper where you can see it as a daily reminder.

Establish Boundaries

Practice setting boundaries and stand up for yourself. You are going to encounter plenty of negativity. Don’t let that squash who you are. Focus on those people who love you for you.

Accept Yourself For Who You Are

Embrace each day and accept who you are. You are wonderfully made. Just like other steps in the process of self-love, this will take time. Find little ways to remind yourself each day that you are worth investing in.

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Keelie Reason

I'm the voice of Love, Hope, Adventure, where I talk about the marriage relationship, intimacy in marriage, and how couples can go deeper with each other. I've been helping couples for well over a decade to lean into their sexuality and explore intimacy with their spouse. My goal is to answer questions that couples have about sex that they are too afraid to ask or Google. I provide God-honoring answers and resources to help them to go on a sexual journey together.

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